Monday, April 27, 2009

Dental bridge?

I had a bridge fitted two weeks ago and it is still painful. Its not painful enough to take pain killers, more like a dull pain that just won't go away, is this normal after two weeks? Also I noticed that the bridge does not completely coover my tooth at the back, their is a small gap where you can see the tooth it is covering (the one that is capped) could this be the cause of the pain? Its really annoying because I waited a year to have it and thought it would make me happy but I always have a pain now!

Dental bridge?
since your tooth is not covered properly, the neck is visible causing you sensitivity. The bridge need to be redone.
Reply:I'm guessing that the crown is too short... and the dentist should not have inserted the bridge. The dentist should have noticed this, and taken a new impression, especially since I'm sure you paid a bundle for it!

If the tooth has not had a root canal, the tooth will be sensitive since it's 'alive' and the enamel is gone (removed during the prep procedure). Ask the dentist to remake it, and request a 'try-in' appointment, to check the margins, prior to it being permanently cemented.

Good luck!

Reply:Dental Plans

this one is very cheap and good.I have used it for 3 years!

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