Monday, May 17, 2010

Should I sue for dental mistakes?

Got braces on 2002, I had them for two and a half years. Once they were taken off I had holes and cracks in my teeth. Now while the man tighten my braces I told him how much it hurt when he did it.

So later From 2005-2007 I went to the dentist and he kept filling in the holes, I'd have to pay more money for him to fill up the holes. I started dieting and eating right. lost 60 pounds.

I Moved July 4, 2007. when I settled in, got a job etc. On Jan 31, 2008 I went to another dentist and he told me 'The dentist you saw, messed up your teeth. He wasn't doing anything to help your teeth and now I have to pull them all out because you hardly have any that are good now and your way too young for false teeth (I’m 23 years old)

I feel kind of like a slime ball for this thought but Should I sue the other two dentist? Do you think it's a good case? Because now I have to pay for him (the new dentist) for pulling my teeth out and giving me bridges.

Should I sue for dental mistakes?
Hi Definately sue, I am in a process of that for my teeth, my NHS Orthodontics (in the UK) really messed up my teeth and jaw position so I have lots of problems now. Now I have to pay out privately to have it done again, so I want compensation, why should I pay. I am sooooo angry because you put your trust in doctors that they know what they are doing. Get your money back, you should get a good pay because you are loosing all your teeth, messed up your confidence etc etc. Really take note how this has affected you and how now you have to live without your own teeth. And cause you are young the pay out may be greater. GO for it.......
Reply:Yes. And REPORT THEM TO THE STATE DENTAL BOARD. They should help you with this situation.

And regarding what toffees says below - they are not "gods," but that is no excuse. We're talking about BETRAYAL and NEGLIGENC, not innocent mistakes.
Reply:Well..........doctors and dentists are not gods they only help you out you must must be able to shop for your doctor efficiently
Reply:Get a second opinion about the current state of your teeth. This new dentist stands to gain from having to pull all your teeth and giving the bridges. I don't like to think it, but unfortunately it's the world we live in.

If the second dentist agrees, yes, I think you should pursue it.
Reply:Wait a minute!!!! Don't do anything that drastic until you speak to someone. You are 23 yrs. old and you should not have false teeth. If your teeth are that bad, I would suggest you see an oral surgeon to see if you are a candidate for implants. When you visit the oral surg. ask him/her about whether you should sue/or not. He would be the best person to ask!
Reply:Definately take him to small claims court. My orthodontist ruined my teeth, I actually have fangs because of the retainer/plate he gave me. I went to the dentist after this ordeal and he said "you need to see and orthodontist" and was shocked to hear that I had a while before. I was only 12 then but if I was older he would've payed bigtime.
Reply:So you think the orthodontist made your teeth too tight and this gave you the holes and cracks in your teeth? Uh-uh! You didn't keep your teeth clean, and probably ate junky sweet food (that's why you put on the weight).

So then the dentist has to fill up the holes in a person with imperfect hygiene, and you probably still weren't looking after your hygiene so things got worse.

Now you have crap teeth and you want to blame someone other than yourself.

You have zero chance of a successful lawsuit. Take on some of the responsibility for your own actions.

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